the shield

when in love,
never take away the shield you're holding to protect yourself.
because without the shield,
you are open to everything.
you get killed when you put down your Armour.
never give your everything to anyone.
when you're wounded,
you can ,at least, recover with time.
when you're killed,
you fall into a spiral of unknown reasons.
you cannot walk over it,
you have failed yourself.
my friend told me,
i either give it a 100%
or i give zero.
and in circumstances like this,
i tend to get hurt very easily.
what should be the correct approach...
i have deduced.
to just lower the shield,
you give trust to the other party,
but dont give yourself away.
we must understand,
what we thought is not necessary what the other party thinks.
you thought you need something,
and its an obligation.
but to the one you love,
he may think otherwise.
the conflict of thoughts,
is the hurtful sword.
and why would anyone want to put themselves in the open,
and get killed.
there is nil explanation,
thus,you might as well just stick to the law of self-protect.
because no one will pity a dumb ass and its theory of trust.
we just have to be smarter.
and the funny part is,
whenever love strikes,
being smart and rational becomes the hardest thing to practice.
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