
today,i'm struck with a runny nose.
an itchy throat,
a failure in voice projection.
my eyes are painful,
my brain is tired.
and its all my mind's fault,
for unsuccessful withdrawal from you.
i lost my voice,
i lost my sense of smell.
now,everything i consume is tasteless,
except for bitterness and sour.
i wonder its my heart on the upper hand,
or my mind.
despite my situation,
i have chosen yet again to sink myself in alcohol and cigarettes.
a toil for my body,
yes i know.
even when my body is failing,
i'm still not distracted by you.
i sneeze harder when i tear,
my throat stabs me when i sob.
i'm really disappointed when i know i couldn't be the best for you,
but i'm too weak to recuperate.
my mentality,
depicted entirely by you.
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