
to be cared,
to be protected.
to be showered with everything,
but why am i not happy?
too much comparing,
or simple fact of feeling.
patience to the perfect one,
held no confidence in this speech.
the one i care is reluctant of my affection,
the one i don't care,
is slowly shifting my mind.
loneliness is scary,
the shoulder that allows me to lean.
i'm swept away by facts,
not emotions.
people says its wrong,
but images reassures me they're truth.
how can my simple life be so laborious.
where has my craziness gone,
fear wants my feet on ground.
i'm studying a relationship,
working it out,
so it turns to perfection.
ideas towards my heart were fenced cleverly,
i'm walking towards a story.
a story i write,
is it incorrect that my life is moving this way.
i'm fearful of regrets,
i'm tired of walking alone.
my character is evaporating,
i'm responsible for exposing them to the sun.
this pressurized heat.
i'm so tired of being ignored,
out of the picture.
i have no more tears,
only thoughts so tangled up.
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