so satisfied,i cried.

as i ponder over what to eat,
what to savour everyday.
there's a bunch of prople whom i don't see,
i don't know.
delightfully enjoying a cup of clean water,
munching what they deem as the best food they can get.
on this very moment.
i feel so fortunate,
my parents gives me shelter,food,
electrical appliances that enhance my life.
Why should i even feel depress on stages like this?
kids from africa live their days in laughter,
enjoying even juz the rain to drench them from clouds.
so satisfied they are,no complaining from them.
this moment,i look into the mirror.
the cutted wrist from not enough spending,
how stupid am i to envy others...
jealous non sensibly.
how pathethic is my soul now,i wonder.
this world i'm born in,everything is a line away.
mt thinking is switching in between.
i want to be better,
i want the people living tough to be enjoying meals more.
may god bless all of them.
ans bless my soul,scuplture it in a more beautiful ornament.
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