
for all the efforts made,
stories told.
abandoning friendship.
she has no regrets,
she just need a glance of you.
a simple communication will make her day.
as she sell herself to the world,
submerge in spirits and alcohol.
please dont judge her character,
dont take her for granted.
she is just trying to buck up her courage,
to get closer to you.
there is this simple reason living,
amongst her thoughts.
she is not being easy,
just to get your attention,
when you walk away...
there goes her sparks.
she tells herself,
to faithing in patience.
slowly, pieces of this beautiful puzzle will sum up.
if only waiting works,
that would have given her more assurance.
what is she to you?
a prostitute?
a substitute?
what a stupid blunder.
if only you love her.
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