Making Love.contaminated

love and sex.
shouldn't they be together?.
but why,why did men have to abuse it.
how can they spend a brief moment with a girl,
and make love to her.
how did their mental work?,
why can't they ever understand.
its really heartbreaking for a girl,
to know that despite her wise wisdom,
its her body that marks her value and worth.
all her intellectual,
just went down the drain.
all the books she's read,
all the education she's had.
alcohol is a friend,
and also a foe.
makes some reality clearer,
and makes belief muffler.
the waking morning,
the bright and beautiful sun.
the hopeful morning,
tainted with the aftermath of depressed assumption.
look into the mirror,
the face of confusion.
the weak heart beats,
the soulless eyes.
what can she do.
as she will forever be bathed in reality.
she can't audit the world,
stop the ticking seconds.
what an evening have done,
light up...and tell herself.
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