floating about

i thought u were the light to overshadow him.
u left.
the pain u've left behind.
comparable to his.
leaving me alone in this country,
makin me living dead.
every thing i do for you,
goin nowhere,
u'll never return.
everything that i do to piss you,
i know i'm torturing myself.
u will never undertand.
i am trying everyway to cope,
but your house is just nearby,
everytime i pass by.
all i can do is turn away,
and regret afterwards.
looking from the rear,
i can only consume my tears.
i know people wont undertsnad why i still linger,
they wont know the feelings,
the complex emotions i'm struggling with.
u were like god showered sunlight,
accompanying me through the rough patch he has embedden.
waking me to new happiness,
ur voice...
so comforting to the lonely soul.
but why do you have to do that,
leaving me bhind.
like you've treated her,
people come to my side telling me how rude u were to me.
long forgottten are their words of reality,
i'm overwhelmed by ur charm.
now i can only harm myself,
your pictures,
so easily accessible.
i wanna do the right thing,
but always am i going the wrong direction.
trying to live life happy,
but u don't give a damn,
i cry.
tears...my tears by the pillow.
no one knows my struggle.
i long for your touch,
to be by your bedside again.
i love the stuff u've left me with,
although they hurts like needle pricking me.
i have secluded my soul,
for your unwanted zone.
i'm a walking zombie,
every image reflects you.
though u're gone too faraway,
shutted me aside.
when will you be mine again,
i yearn for your attention.
my scars,
they only draw criticism.
no one respects me now,
i'm a freaking loser.
how can i live without you,
don't u ever dare runaway from my sight.
my only hope of hanging on,
the will to fight.
i miss the ride u've fetched,
i miss you..
so dreadfully.
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